Monday, September 14, 2009

What is a Doula?

I was astounded by all of the employees at Motherhood/Pea in the Pod at the Roseville Galleria last week. I went in there to see how many pregnant mama's were there, just me being to let Hudson play a little while I browsed nursing apparel. All of the sales rep's were on my heals asking if I needed help. Crowded as it was it was good service.

I ask to speak to the manager because I want to put together a pregnancy information night for expected parents. I asked her if it was ok to put up a flyer, and she told me corporate doesn't allow flyers that aren't nationwide. I asked her is she knew what a Doula was...and she tilted her head and looked back at me blankly. I had previously asked the last sales associate to find the manager because I had a question about Doula's. She also looked at me like I spoke a foreign language.

They employ young attractive sales reps that don't have experience nor have a clue about doula's??? uhmmmm? this got me do I create a buzz about this?

I got the card to contact corporate and now I am determined to host a FREE information night for their reps. Ignorance is bliss? REALLY?

It concerns me that people who are surrounded by pregnant woman all day don't have any clue what a doula is so here it is in a nut shell.

So....What is a Doula?
She is emotional support for a woman while she labors and gives birth.
She is a walking child birth education course.
She is a mother that mothers the new mommy.
She is a guidance for a partner who may not know how to help.
She is the director of the play "birth of your child"
She is the resource of knowledge and information that may have slipped your mind.
She is your body guard to keep loved ones close or not so close if you so choose.

She is your nutritionist, masseur, personal trainer, yoga teacher, hypno-therapist, & advocate.

She is one of those who will hold your hand and tell you "you can do this" and know that you really CAN!

She is the rock for your partner to lean on and the tag partner when they need to rest too.

She is the one that will ALWAYS have your best interest in mind & heart.

She will make sure people follow your lead not theirs.

She will let you know what is normal and when decisions need to be made.

She will provide you with the knowledge you will need to make choices when needed.

She is the best person you can have by your side besides a partner, parent or close friend, all of which can do many of these things, but she can offer them all a break, know when a good time may be, as well as referee if people forget who is working the hardest during this time.

She is the perfect choice to add to your birth team, no matter the circumstance, no matter the birth plan, she will help you get to your goal.

Healthy mommy, healthy baby and a marathon awaits!

Hire your coach today!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sara I loved reading this list. What a powerful role!
