Monday, November 23, 2009

Hery Family Holiday Update

I can't believe Hudson is 15 months old, and Christmas is right around the corner! Well our lives have been very different the last few months.

Bare Bones
My mom moved in a few months ago and the week after that Andrew got laid off. I started looking for work with no success, so I decided to start becoming active in the doula community here and take clients.

I have successfully started bringing the communities together and getting more and more involved in the birth community here by setting up the Pregnancy Information Night, to hopefully make it a monthly occurrence for the community to start being more involved in the decisions around the birth of their kids.

When it Rain it Pours- litterally
So I started working part-time at my old office, and Andrew got another 5 month temp. job from his old company. This will help us get by until the economy picks up. I also now have 3 birth clients, which I am so excited to be back into the groove of this.

Hudson is getting many teeth and has had his first ear infection. His sleep has hit a wall and it has become a full-time job getting him to go to bed by himself again. So far snuggling with mommy and daddy on the couch seems to work the best. We had 4 great months of sleeping, and then getting sick through it all out the window. Hopefully it is just a phase.

He is so happy, and a joy to be around. Daddy is sad that he will be traveling again over the next few months, they BOTH are going to have a hard time being apart from each other. Hudson runs into Andrew's office after his naps or in the morning calling "dadda, dadda, dadda" knocking on his office door. He loves him so much!

Hudson is really enjoying music, playing instruments, dancing, listing to people sing and just getting loud. He is starting to do pretend play more, and independent play. It was hard for him last week when he was sick, he just wanted to be held. He loves BOOKS! We go to the library at least once a week. He will find a book and walk backwards into you so you pick him up and read him a book.

Hudson is doing fantastic with baby signing. He knows how to sign:
Thank you
All done

These help tremendously on the tantrums! The hardest part about his signing is that he will sign when he wants "help" to get into the pantry and then have a fit if you don't help him. So hard to explain, good signing, but no your not allowed in the pantry.

Hudson also knows what a snake, dog, duck, & fish says, plus he makes noises for anything with a motor from a truck, airplane, lawn mower, and leaf blower.

I have to load more movies on YouTube, because is so precious at so many moments, I need to catch them on video, but it is hard.

Family Announcement
We had planned to wait until the begining of the year to make this announcement, but it happened sooner rather then later. Baby Hery #2 is on it's way. I am 8 weeks, due end of July and planning another home birth. We will find out the sex this time if the 20 week u/s lets us. Collect those second hand items for us, we will need it!

We love and miss everyone. With the financial hardships everyone has had, seeing everyone is getting harder and harder. We hope everyone knows you are in our hearts and minds during this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pregnancy Information Night- Know Your Birth Options

I am hosting a Pregnancy Information Night called Know Your Birth Options.
Here are the details:

Pregnancy Information Night- Know Your Birth Options
December 3rd, Thursday from 5pm-8pm
Maidu Community Center- Roseville, CA


To inform the pregnant community about different views and the many options they have surrounding their pregnancy & birth. There is NOT an underlying agenda to promote any specific birth option, this event is to get the information out into our community so expectant parents can make educated decisions regarding their pregnancy and birth.

Having many providers in one location will help promote the Childbirth Professionals as a whole within our community and educate the community at the same time!

Event Details

1. Introductions- (5:15pm)
2. Presentation of "Know Your Birth Options" presented by Sara Hery (5:30pm)
3. Question & Answer session from panel (6pm)

* Guests will be encouraged to write down questions during presentation and then have the panel answer them afterward
* Allows for panel to also elaborate on any information given during presentation

4. Meet & Greet (7pm)- Allowing guests to ask individual questions and familiarize themselves with the professionals & their services.

We still need a few more contribution dollars for this event. Any childbirth professionals attending the event we ask for donations of $5 to help pay for the event. The total cost of the event is $150 + some material fees. Any money collecting over the cost of the event will be donated to "Operation Special Delivery".

Panel of Childbirth Professionals
So far on the panel we have the following:

* Homebirth Midwife with hospital experience
* RN & Postpartum Doula
* Prenatal Fitness & Bradley Instructor
* Hypnobirthing Instructor & Lactation consultant
* Alternative care provider & Accupressurist
* Chiropractor specializing in Prenatal clients, & Webster technique
* Postpartum doula
* Birth doula
* Birth Center doula
* OB/GYN (still working on this- have 3 names and letters of request out- if you know an OB that would be willing please email me!)

Preparation Meeting
I will be hosting a preparation meeting on Monday November 16th 6:00pm at the Raley's Event room on Douglas Blvd, in Roseville. I will send out an EVITE for everyone attending to get a headcount. If this date does not work for most people, I will have to find another location, no other date was available that week.

The following materials have been put together to hand out to the guests in a packet. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD ANY HANDOUTS TO THIS PACKET I WILL NEED THEM BY MONDAY NOV 16th- AT THE PREP MEETING

* Relaxation techniques
* Epidurals
* Narcotics
* Creating Your Birth Plan
* Signs of Labor
* Birthing Choices- Health care Provider & Birthing Locations

Just wanted to let everyone know that my mother is going to be attending the event. She is sponsoring a portion of it to help promote her new book being released the first week of December. Check out her website at

If you would like to help sponsor please let me know, the cost is $30 and you get your own counter in the back of the room. We have room for 1 more sponsor.

We welcome any childbirth professional to attend the event to handout business cards or answer questions at the end of the meeting. We will request donations from any professional participating in the event, so that we can cover the costs and allow the event to remain FREE for the public to attend.

If this event proves successful I plan on hosting a monthly event in 3-4 locations throughout Sacramento, Placer & Yuba Counties. I have secured MSN (Mothers' Support Network to allow me to host in February 2010)

If you are interested in participating and you have not contacted me please email me at

Event Details & Ongoing information
Please visit: for details of the event, time, location, sponsors, & host(s) information.

Spread the Word
Please pass along this information to anyone who you may think would benefit from this event. We have advertised at the following:

* Mothers' Support Network
* Roseville Libraries (3)
* Maidu Community Center
* SacMomsLikeMe (online events)
* Craigslist - Family Events
* 2 local yoga shops
* Posted on Sara's website & blogs.