Monday, March 8, 2010

Product Recommendation for Expectant or New Parents

I have several products that I have used as a new mom and found to be essential in my daily life in parenting. I would like to pass on my information of the great products out there, that are available to expectant and new parents.

First I would like to start with baby products. Here are a few essentials to have ready before baby arrives:

Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

Lanolin Nipple Cream

for breastfeeding moms

All Bravado Nursing Apparel: I have used and highly recommend this nursing apparel. I sell these so if you want one you can order from Bravado directly or if you are local to Sacramento, California I can do a bra fitting and consultation for you for free!

Nursing Bra's - Bravado

The Orginal Nursing Bra- Also by Bravado. This one is great for sleeping in.

Nursing Tanks

Belly Band

Breast Pumps and accessories: Medela is a great basic pump and available everywhere. The best one I have found is the Pump in Style

You can also purchase accessories and rent them locally in Roseville at: Herself Moms. As well as the Birth Center in Sacramento, & soon Mothers' Support Network will be renting alternative cheaper rentals for the local nursing mothers in the area. Check them out!

Alternative devices for breast pump parts locally in Sacramento is: Freemie

Here are a few books that are the best out there. They range from All in 1 from pregnancy to new baby. Most are great tools for helping you write your birth plan. As well as for researching comfort measures and looking into your options for support, goals, childbirth education and doula support.

Pregnancy, Childbirth & the Newborn

Thinking Womens Guide to a Better Birth

Your Best Birth

The Complete Idiots Guide to Natural Childbirth

The Doula Book

The Birth Partner

The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Childbirth Education & Options-
Gentle Birth Choices

Birthing From Within

Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

Business of Being Born

Orgasmic Birth (this is a really good birth movie, you just need to get past the title, it has great information after about the first 10 min. You won't be disappointed!)

Signing Time (DVD series of Baby signing) - My son stared watching these at 1 yr old. I checked a few out from the library to see if he would like them. He loves them! I bought the baby set of 4 and he is now 18 months old and knows of 50 signs! I love that we can communicate before he is able to talk with words. He knows hows to tell me almost everything he needs, so there is no guessing, and very little screaming or fits. The best choice I ever made!

You can also visit my doula website for great video clips from YouTube about doula's, pregnancy and other birth related issues.
Better Birth Doula Services


In the Sacramento, California Area:
Bump, Birth & Beyond
Better Birth Sacramento
The Only Baby Stop

My Best Birth
American Pregnancy Association

I hope all my findings, and uses help expectant and parents get a good source of information, products and tools to help them in the process of becoming a new parent. Please pass on this to blog to anyone you may know who is pregnant.

I also would love to hear of any other sites you may have come across as well that helped you in your process.

May parenting be the best thing that ever happened to you!

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